Minnesota's largest city is set to take up the T21 debate. Minneapolis city council members met Friday morning and agreed to bring the debate before the public in a hearing set for Monday, May 14th. The hearing will be open...
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The movement to raise the age at which young adults can purchase tobacco and vapor products traded ground this week as two key cities held hearings about the proposed "T21" ordinances. Bloomington, in the metro area, voted unanimously to approve the...
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Canadian Vaping faces a huge legislative hurdle as the Lower house of commons discusses S-5, A bill that would dramatically change the Canadian vaping industry. If Passed, the bill would classify vaping as a health hazard, and steer public policy...
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Flavoring is perhaps one of the most influential reasons smokers make the switch to vaping. Its also one of the most contentious elements of the industry. Anti smoking advocates argue that the flavors only exist to appeal to kids and...
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The average vape consumer buys their eliquid from a professional vendor. Most vendors get their liquids from manufacturers, or are manufacturers themselves. But a fair amount of vapers choose to do it themselves; mixing base, flavoring, and nicotine at home....
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